Tax consultant & auditor for automotive suppliers
Tailor-made solutions for tax law issues in the automotive industry
To this day, the flourishing automotive industry is a determining factor in the development of the German economy.
However, especially for medium-sized companies that are active as automotive suppliers and dealers, there arise different economic and tax issues that require tailor-made solutions. The Advisio team at our Gummersbach location has special expertise based on decades of experience in auditing and tax consulting for clients in the automotive industry and provides expert consulting at the highest professional level with regard to the special needs of this industry, which is still a key aspect of the German economy.
As tax consultants, we offer clients from the automotive industry help in fulfilling their tax obligations and consultation on how to reduce their tax burden as well as how to use accounting and valuation options to achieve optimum annual financial statements.
The Advisio team offers tailor-made services for clients from the automotive supply sector:
- Tax structuring consultation with special regard to international tax law, in particular on questions of income deferral, the legally compliant structuring of transfer prices in internationally active groups of companies, in connection with operating facilities as well as posting employees abroad
- Sales tax issues for the automotive industry (also cross-border)
- Support during tax audits and enforcing your rights, if necessary, also before the fiscal courts
- Preparing expert opinions (e.g. correct VAT treatment of all groups of business transactions, restructuring within a group, cross-border income tax issues)
- Issues on international tax law Determining and documenting transfer pricing. Postings abroad Base tax shifts.
- Preparing or auditing annual financial statements and tax balance sheets
- Audit of annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) as well as international legal principles (IFRS), including package audits and reviews
- Consultation on special accounting issues and IT-supported mapping of processes, such as in project or series production
- Support in M&A transactions, in particular financial and tax due diligence support or examination of compliance management systems (including IDW PS 951), internal control systems and risk management systems
- Addressing tax-theory and tax-policy-related issues through the preparation of expert opinions
- Ongoing and special tax consulting (in particular VAT, inheritance tax/gift tax, wage tax, e.g. regarding the provision of automobiles for private use)
- Specific sales tax issues, obligations to present evidence, external audits and enforcement of rights by the fiscal courts, in particular the sales tax treatment of guarantee processing or the return of used parts
- Tailor-made support in preparing and implementing external audits, if necessary, also as preparation for subsequent appeal proceedings