Tax consultancy and auditing for public companies
Tax optimisation for cities, municipalities, special-purpose associations and administrative communities
Today, more than ever before, the public sector must be managed like a company. Legislative requirements make tax consulting indispensable. The legal representative is personally responsible.
The Advisio specialists are by your side as competent partners in examining the scope of tax liability in the areas of VAT, trade tax and corporate income tax.
Professional competence paired with many years of experience makes our consulting offer particularly attractive for public-sector companies.
Our services for public sector companies:
- Preparation of annual financial statements for independent companies and publicly owned companies, proprietary companies, municipal companies (public agencies AdöR)
- Taxation of commercial operations (BgA)
- All tax returns (corporation tax, VAT, capital gains tax)
- Tax consultancy in the municipal sector
- Review of notifications, appeal proceedings
- Sales tax structure
- Optimisation of the input tax deduction
- Self-disclosures
- Discussions with the tax authorities
- Budget check Sec. 2b German VAT Act ( UStG)