Advisio – unsere Erfahrung für Ihren Erfolg

Tax Consulting, Auditing and Fiduciary Activities in Gummersbach

The team that puts experience into practice

Our highly motivated, experienced and competent team is ready to take on your challenges.

According to our guiding principle "Making experience count", our corporate philosophy includes representing your tax issues as well as fulfilling your tax obligations.

Our range of services in auditing covers all financially relevant company matters, embedded into a comprehensive consulting approach.

Our goal is to implement our many years of experience with a well-coordinated team of employees to suit your needs.

Our three managing partners and around 25 skilled employees (including six accredited professionals), and highly specialised cooperation partners are happy to show you the advantages of our well-founded consulting in all business matters with an emphasis on expert consulting for re-organization.

In addition to standard tax consulting and consulting industrial enterprises, medium-sized companies, retail or crafts businesses, the main focus of the Gummersbach Advisio team is on auditing.

Along with auditing annual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRS, we offer:

  • Formation audits under tax law
  • Audits according to the German Real Estate Agent and Commercial Construction Industry Ordinance - MaBV
  • Reorganization and restructuring audits
  • Conversion audits (merger, change of legal form and split-up)
  • Other special audits (e.g. audits of the internal control system, audits according to Art. 53, Budgetary Principles Act (HR), audits of investment and financial plans, embezzlement audits)
  • Expert opinions in legal proceedings.

Consulting for all types of restructuring is our specialty at our Gummersbach location

Companies may face crises arising from internal or external conditions and events. Any crisis always is also a crisis of confidence. Trust in your own capabilities is diminished, trust in external business partners is suffering and eventually reaches the level where a decision-making situation arises that leads to a turning point.

We use our wealth of experience, backed up by the right tools to draw up a business plan, for example, or to check the plausibility of a given plan through to the preparing a restructuring report in accordance with the German Institute of Auditors (IDW) S 6.

Here we present the as-is situation and the starting position of the companies in a comprehensible manner in order to create a sound basis for necessary decision-making processes. Depending on the specific area of assignment, we bring in appropriately skilled legal cooperation partners. We continue to accompany a necessary restructuring process until the company is realigned or the crisis has passed. Depending on the starting situation and requirements, we cooperate with qualified M&A partners in order to effect a company sale, if necessary, or find partners.

Your team on site

Sabine Achenbach

Accountant (IHK), tax clerk

Silke Benninghaus

tax clerk

Christina Dirxen

Office management assistant

Frank Gröwe

tax consultant

Petra Herweg

tax clerk

Elke Hildebrand

tax consultant, business economist

Thomas Hildebrand

tax consultant, Dipl.-Kfm. (FH), partner

Sonja Hombitzer-Hundt

Tax specialist, assistant for wages and salaries

Michèle Iltesberger

Tax specialist

Albin Kameraj

Apprentice tax clerk

Melina Kretkowski

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)

Sabine Lasse

Office management

Marcel Mertens

tax consultant, Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)

Lowissa Richter

Tax specialist

Annelie Schmidt

Tax assistant

Sylvia Schmidt

tax clerk

Paulina Schneider

Apprentice tax clerk

Marion Schröder

tax clerk

Dirk Siemer

tax consultant, Dipl.-Kfm.

Dieter Wagener

tax consultant, auditor, partner

Get in touch with Advisio in Gummersbach

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Advisio Gummersbach

Advisio Gummersbach ETL GmbH

Talstraße 11
51643 Gummersbach

+49 2261 78919-0

Advisio Gummersbach

Advisio Gummersbach ETL GmbH

Talstraße 11
51643 Gummersbach

+49 2261 78919-0

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